Frequently Ask Questions

Fill up the "Contact Us" information at the end of this page, let us know if you would like to start the free version immediately, or you would like to have a 20-minutes live demo from our professional to have an overview of the complete platform.

Enreech has an API (Application Programming Interface) that will allow you to import your existing member database to the platform without needing you to rebuild everything from scratch.

No. Everything is done online via cloud. All you need is a computer or mobile device with internet access.

Yes, we provide video training for front-end and back-end system usage. More detailed and personalised trainings are also available. Please contact us for more details.

If you are not sure about whether or not the platform can help your business in your country, do not hesitate to contact us and talk to us by filling the "Contact Us" information at the end of the page, we would love to hear from you.


221, Henderson Road,
#01-05 Henderson Building,
Singapore 159557


Phone: +(65) 6738 3338